Source code for storq.vasp.writers

import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copyfileobj

import numpy as np

from ase.db import connect
from import write_vasp
from import uniquify

[docs] class Writers:
[docs] def write_input(self): """Writes all VASP input files required for a calculation. This includes the vdW kernel, which is symlinked if needed, but not the storq persistence database which is handled separately. """ self.write_poscar() self.write_incar() if "kspacing" not in self.parameters: self.write_kpoints() self.write_potcar() # finally symlink the vdW kernel if needed if self.parameters.get("luse_vdw", False): if self.conf.get("vasp_vdw_kernel", None) is not None: kernel ="vdw_kernel.bindat") if not (kernel.is_symlink() or kernel.is_file()): os.symlink(self.conf["vasp_vdw_kernel"], kernel)
[docs] def write_persistence_db(self, atoms=None, data=None): """Database containing persistence information for storq calculations. Contains atoms, results, parameters and confiugration for easy restart. Note that the datbase should only contain a single row. """ # Get the atoms object from the calculator if not data: data = { "path": str(, "parameters": self.parameters, "jobid": self.jobid, "conf": self.conf, } with connect(self.db) as db: try: if atoms: db.update(1, atoms, data=data) else: db.update(1, data=data) except FileNotFoundError: db.write(atoms, data=data)
[docs] def write_potcar(self): """Write POTCAR file. """ potcars_small = self.get_potcars() with open(self.potcar, "wb") as fpotcar: for pot_small in potcars_small.values(): with open(pot_small, "rb") as fsmall: copyfileobj(fsmall, fpotcar)
[docs] def write_poscar(self): """Write POSCAR file. """ symbs_sort = np.asarray(self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols())[self.isort] symbs_uniq = uniquify(symbs_sort) symbol_count = [(s, (symbs_sort == s).sum()) for s in symbs_uniq] write_vasp( str(self.poscar), self.atoms[self.isort], symbol_count=symbol_count, vasp5=True )
[docs] def write_incar(self): """Write INCAR file. Boolean values are written as .TRUE./.FALSE.; integers, floats and strings are written out as is; lists and tuples are written out as space separated values. Parameters ---------- fname : str output file name """ special_kwargs = { "xc", "pp", "setups", "kpts", "ldau_luj", } incar_keys = list(set(self.parameters) - special_kwargs) with open(self.incar, "w") as f: f.write("INCAR created by Storq\n") for key in sorted(incar_keys): val = self.parameters[key] key = " " + key.upper() if val is None: # Skip None values, they are used to delete tags. pass elif isinstance(val, bool): s = ".TRUE." if val else ".FALSE." f.write(f"{key} = {s}\n") elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): s = " ".join([str(x) for x in val]) f.write(f"{key} = {s}\n") else: f.write(f"{key} = {val}\n")
[docs] def write_kpoints(self): """Write KPOINTS file. The KPOINTS file format is as follows: * line 1: a comment * line 2: number of kpoints * n <= 0 Automatic kpoint generation * n > 0 explicit number of kpoints * line 3: kpt format * if n > 0: C,c,K,k = cartesian coordinates anything else = reciprocal coordinates * if n <= 0: M,m,G,g for Monkhorst-Pack or Gamma grid anything else is a special case * line 4: * if n <= 0, the Monkhorst-Pack grid * if n > 0, then one line per kpoint * line 5: if n <= 0 it is the gamma shift """ # handle the input args p = self.parameters kpts = p["kpts"] # guaranteed to be set # we are using automatic or semi-automatic mode if "size" in kpts or "spacing" in kpts: if kpts["gamma"]: mode = "Gamma" else: mode = "Monkhorst-Pack" num_kpts = 0 elif "auto" in kpts: mode = "Auto" num_kpts = 0 # we are in an explicit listing mode elif "list" in kpts: if kpts.get("cartesian", False): mode = "Cartesian" else: mode = "Reciprocal" num_kpts = len(kpts["list"]) # we are in line mode elif "lines" in kpts: mode = "Line-mode" num_lines = len(kpts["lines"]) # write the file with open(self.kpoints, "w") as f: # line 1: comment # hide some info here to restore kpts to right state on restart comment = "KPOINTS created by Atomic Simulation Environment" if "spacing" in kpts: comment = "spacing {0:.4f}".format(kpts["spacing"]) if kpts.get("surface", False) is True: comment += " surface" f.write(comment + "\n") # line 2: number of kpts if mode == "Line-mode": f.write("{}\n".format(kpts.get("intersections", 10))) else: f.write("{}\n".format(num_kpts)) # line 3: the mode f.write(mode + "\n") # line 4+: k-point specification if mode in ["Monkhorst-Pack", "Gamma"]: if "size" in kpts: kpts_size = kpts["size"] elif "spacing" in kpts: kpts_size = [1, 1, 1] rec_cell = self.atoms.cell.reciprocal() kpts_size[0] = int( max( 1, np.ceil( np.linalg.norm(rec_cell[0]) * 2.0 * np.pi / kpts["spacing"] ), ) ) kpts_size[1] = int( max( 1, np.ceil( np.linalg.norm(rec_cell[1]) * 2.0 * np.pi / kpts["spacing"] ), ) ) kpts_size[2] = int( max( 1, np.ceil( np.linalg.norm(rec_cell[2]) * 2.0 * np.pi / kpts["spacing"] ), ) ) if kpts.get("surface", False) is False: f.write("{0} {1} {2}\n".format(*tuple(kpts_size))) else: f.write("{0} {1} 1\n".format(*tuple(kpts_size))) elif mode == "Auto": f.write("{0}\n".format(kpts["auto"])) elif mode == "Line-mode": if kpts.get("caretesian", False): f.write("Cartesian\n") else: f.write("Reciprocal\n") for n in range(0, num_lines, 2): f.write("{0} {1} {2}\n".format(*tuple(kpts["lines"][n]))) f.write("{0} {1} {2}\n".format(*tuple(kpts["lines"][n + 1]))) f.write("\n") elif mode in ["Cartesian", "Reciprocal"]: for n in range(0, num_kpts): f.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n".format(*tuple(kpts["list"][n]))) # if we are in 'semi' automatic mode and have a shift if mode in ["Monkhorst-Pack", "Gamma"]: f.write( "{0} {1} {2}\n".format(*tuple(kpts.get("shift", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))) )